Monday, November 2, 2009

A devotional for you.....

God's Day - Timer
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3 : 23
In January 2006, First Place was one of the features on the TV news show Geraldo at Large. The film crew spent all day on Sunday filming the piece to be shown on Tuesday night. I was amazed that my interview had been sent instantly through the telephone lines to New York and that the producer had the text on her Blackberry one hour later. The next morning, as I meditated on all that had transpired the day before, I was struck with the reality that God has always worked this way, and man is still way behind.
When I think about the fact that God knows instantly whatever I do, whatever I say and wherever I go, I am struck by the awesome truth of how much I do and say for man and not for God. What a thought - Day-Timer by God! His plans become my plans and not the other way around. The stresses of our daily life would seem so much lighter if we remembered how instantaneously our prayers reach Him. What if, instead of lashing out in frustration when things go wrong, we spoke kindly because our words are instantly in God's ears?
Dear Lord, forgive me for forgetting that You are the One I need to please. Help me today to work for You, and You alone, in all I do and say.
Journal: Is there an area of your life in which you have been trying to please man rather than God? Ask God to help you reverse this by giving God first place today...
-Carole Lewis
Living Well Carol Lewis


  1. I love this devotional.... I hope you all have a GREAT DAY, wonderful week, blessed November & can enjoy the SUNSHINE! Love Carla

  2. The nice weather has been wonderful! I weighed myself, one week into it, and I lost 7 pounds!! Now I have gumption to go another week! We even ate out friday night, grilled chicken, and of course, steamed veggies instead of fries:) Sunday all the college kids were home so it was grilled steaks and veggies!So it was not like I didnt get to eat!! I'll keep you posted... Thanks for the devotional, and all the posting you do!! Keeps me motivated

  3. AWESOME Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up girl!

  4. how is the challenge going everyone? I know that making someone feel good is making you feel good and making our Lord so happy....
